Update from INZ - 19 June 2020

The Government has agreed to specific criteria for determining whether someone is considered an ‘other critical worker’ and is therefore eligible for an exception.

A worker coming to New Zealand for a short-term (less than six months) may be considered a critical worker if:

The person has unique experience and technical or specialist skills that are not obtainable in New Zealand; or

 The person is undertaking a time-critical role which is essential for the delivery of an approved major infrastructure project, a government approved event, an approved major government programme, an approved government-to-government agreement or has significant wider benefit to the national or regional economy.

A worker coming to New Zealand for the long-term (more than six months) may be considered a critical worker if they meet one of the short-term criteria above and:

Will work for at least 30 hours per week and be paid at least twice the median wage ($106,080 per year); or

Has a role that is essential for the completion or continuation of a science programme under a fully or partially government-funded contract, including research and development exchanges and partnerships, and has the support of MBIE’s Science, Innovation and International branch to travel to New Zealand to carry out their work; or

Is undertaking a role that is essential for the delivery or execution of a government-approved event, a major government-approved programme or an approved major infrastructure project.

Give our team a call to find out what your options are.